Full Pink Moon Ritual

Full Pink Moon Ritual

With the Taurus Sun shining in opposition in sync with natural laws, we can find that organic rhythm and live closer to it when we’re released from what binds us.

Join us for a water blessing ceremony on April 29th on the beach at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park1 hour before sundown as we gather to celebrate our lives, community, and the shifting energies of the cosmos as we enter into the Scorpio Full Moon.

This blessing is intended to aid us in letting go of the things we want to release from our lives, making space for us to take in the nurturing and blessings of the Universe.

Bring with you a ceremonial cup and an item for the community altar. Be prepared to drink your prayers in this ritual moonbath with a potent ceremony held in love by Lael Marie & Madamn Burnz

We are grateful to Honor the Moon with You.
We welcome all that come in a positive light- all genders, religions, faiths, & practices are welcomed. Please invite anyone you feel may benefit from this offering.


For More information and to stay up to date, join our facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1176000535874229/